Environmental and Water Resources Projects and Role of Engineers

This assignment IS due as normal on blackboard. In addition, please bring a hard copy of the pictures for question 1 and 2 to class. We will select several to present live to class and not having one would impact presentation grade.

  1. 30 points WATER RESOURCES Engineering . Take/find a picture of a piece of water resources infrastructure. You can download from the web (cite the website) or you can take your own picture. Then in a ~1/3 page response answer/do {and use this same labeling…a,b,c…} the following: (a) Name the piece of infrastructure and describe where it is, (b) provide a short explanation/discussion of its purpose/ describe what it does and how, (c) explain if/how this piece of infrastructure plays any role in safety and health of the general public, (d) Explicitly describe why you consider this a piece of water resources infrastructure, and (e) What is the role of the water resources engineer in designing, installing, or using the results of this piece of infrastructure.
  1. 30 points ENVIRONMENAL Engineering: Take/find a picture of a piece of environmental engineering infrastructure. You can download from the web (cite the website) or you can take your own picture. Then in a ~1/3 page response answer/do {and use this same labeling…a,b,c…} the following: (a) Name the piece of infrastructure and describe where it is, (b) provide a short explanation/discussion of its purpose/ describe what it does and how, (c) explain if/how this piece of infrastructure plays any role in safety and health of the general public, (d) Explicitly describe why you consider this a piece of environmental engineering infrastructure, and (e) What is the role of the environmental engineer in designing, installing, or using the results of this piece of infrastructure.
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