Question: IT Traditional work changes

  • Changes the way work is done
    • Broadens skills; faster but more tasks
    • Sometimes IT disconnects us from the tasks
    • Sometimes people can perform more strategic tasks
    • Few staff are engaged in order entry any longer
    • Crowdsourcing is now possible at very low cost (M.Turk)
  • Changes how we communicate
    • More asynchronous and more irregular
    • Social networking has provided new opportunities for customer interaction
    • Collaboration allows a firm to look “big” with new tools
  • Changes decision-making
  • Changes collaboration
    • Work is now more team oriented; more collaborative
    • Sharing is easier than ever, using multiple methods
    • Crowdsourcing can now provide quick answers from tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people


  • Need minimum 500 words
  • Need 3 APA References
  • No Plagiarism please
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