Address both of the following writing prompts. Your responses to both of your chosen prompts should be at least 500 words each. No title page is needed, but be sure to indicate which writing prompts you are addressing at the top of each response. Each response needs its own reference page.
Writing Prompts (respond to both):
- Review the Reading Assignment titled as “The Greening of a Pulp and Paper Mill” by Hill, Saviello, and Groves. In your review, describe:
- the history of the Androscoggin Mill, including when it was built, the strike, number of employees, and amount of paper produced,
- the kraft pulping process,
- pollution problems prior to 1990,
- P2 methods implemented after 1990, best available technologies, and economics, and
- key actions by the 1990s management team that changed the mill from an environmental problem to an environmental success.
- Review the Reading Assignment titled as “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Opportunities for Concrete Pavements” by Santero, Loojos, and Ochsendorf. In your review, describe:
- greenhouse gas production from construction and operation of pavements,
- how each of the following reduces greenhouse emissions: embodied emissions, albedo, carbonation, and vehicle fuel consumption,
- the five greenhouse gas emissions strategies starting on page 861,
- best available technologies related to concrete paving, and
- the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) presented in the article.
You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for both of your responses. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
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