Discussion on Immigration

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After listening to the podcasts for this week:

  1. Post one (1) answer to the following question: (Due Tuesday)

Do you support or oppose efforts to restrict immigration to the US?

Provide at least 2 examples or pieces of evidence from the assigned podcasts to support your thesis.

  1. Respond to the posts of at least two (2) other classmates. (Due before midnight on Friday)

For each of the 2 posts to which you respond, explain the points you disagree with and provide at least 2 examples or pieces of evidence to support your thesis. At least 100 words per response.

NOTE: It’s okay to disagree with minor/subsidiary points even if you agree with your classmate’s central premise.

Make sure not to plagiarize!!! Please review the Academic Honesty section of the syllabus.

Follow the grading rubric below.



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