The assignment is to write a 1500 word book review on the following textbooks.

  1. Lethal Violence and Human Behavior: Death in the Stream

The Book Reviews must be typed in the APA format, double spaced, using New Times Roman 12 point font. Answer the following questions in detail.

  1. Title and Author of the Book
  2. How does the story begin
  1. What is the story about?
  2. Who are the characters?
  3. Where does the story take place?
  4. How does this textbook apply to real life applications
  5. Do the events described make you think this could happen to you or people you know?
  6. How does the story end?
  7. Why do you think this book was written?
  8. What did you learn by reading the book?
  9. What is your opinion about the book?
  10. Should these textbooks be required reading for all students?
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