the subject of the paper is “Plastic pollution”
In this assignment you will write about a controversial issue, or perhaps a person, from one of your classes and compose a paper convincing readers that your position on that issue is valid. As part of your narrative you will be required to incorporate material/ideas from two online reliable sources.
Controversial Issue- write about the issue. Include the following: Define the issue- give the reader a synopsis. Key players or proponents of the issue- which groups are involved? What are the short or long term effects? The History leading to this issue should be important. Include a personal narrative if it is applicable; effects on you or family or others whom you know- shows your appeal to pathos. Present both sides of the argument in an equal light- list the pros and cons of each and define their meaning within the issue
the paper structure should be as the following:
- The TITLE PAGEincludes the running head, title of the paper, and identification information/institutional affiliation (for example, The University of Central Arkansas). Start numbering pages with the cover page.
- The RUNNING HEAD should be at the top of every page, flush right. On the title page it should read “Running head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER.” For every other page, only the capitalized title should remain. This title is a shortened version of the your paper’s full title.
- The ABSTRACT should be on a separate page, following the title page, and should already include the running head. Title the page “Abstract” in normal text. Write a short summary of the key points of your paper. It should be about 150-250 words. Not all professors require this, so be sure to check your assignment sheets.
- The MAIN BODY of your paper includes the running head, a centered title, and body of text. It will most likely include in-text citations, and can utilize headingsto create sections.
- The REFERENCE PAGEincludes a list of sources that you cited within the body of your paper.
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