Write a 5 page paper that addresses the following:

  • Briefly discuss the background of a failed (or failing) company of your choice. (within the last few years)
  • What caused this failure? Use as much data to support this. Cite your work.
  • What company (s) was able to gain market share in light of this failure?
  • What gap was left in the industry based on the failure of this company?
  • In your opinion, what could have been done to prevent this failure? Consider marketing as well as operational issues that could be addressed. Use specific comparisons to successful companies.

For this paper, please write in typical academic MLA or APA format (your choice). This is a college-level writing assignment and is expected to be completed at that level. Please take the time to proofread your work ahead of submitting your work. As needed, please utilize the writing center for additional help.

Turnitin score should not exceed 15%. (edited 9/20 @11:15am – for those submitting after this time you will be held to this)

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