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What was the Historical Yield on the Five- and Ten-year Treasury Bonds, and Five- and Ten-year TIPS?…

The “Data Releases” at Federal Reserve Bank website provides historical and current data including bank assets and liabilities, bank structure data, business finance, dealer financing terms, exchange rates and international data, flow of funds accounts, household finance, industrial activity, interest rates, money stock and reserve balances.

Task: Your boss needs a report on the historical yield on five-, and ten-year treasury bonds (U.S. government securities/Treasury constant maturities/Nominal) and five- and ten-year TIPS (U.S. government securities/Treasury constant maturities/Inflation indexed) at monthly level from 2006 to current date.

What to present:

• Please graph the four series of historical returns and submit it in class.

Think about the following questions:

• What trends do you observe? How would you explain the trend? What’s its implication on investment?

• What other resources on the website you want to recommend to your colleagues for future use?• Do you know any other resources that can be used to finish the task? If so, compare them.

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