1. You will have to take your Globe Smart Cultural assessment (Please log in http://globesmart.aperianglobal.com(I will give account information later) and follow the instructions to take the assessment)
  2. Compare your profile against your home country and at least about 4 other countries. (My home country is China.)Two of these countries should be in your immediate home country proximity and two other countries should be in a completely opposite side of the world. For instance, say you pick India, Vietnam, Australia, China, or Japan in the one set, you pick Britain, United States, Canada, Brazil, or Peru in another set.
  3. Seek advice from the GlobeSmart again how your style matches against the various countries.
  4. Develop a Personal Leadership Profile that will best suit all these competencies should you work in any of these countries, have team members in your project or in your department, or need to interface with people from these countries as clients, suppliers, vendors, etc.
  5. Your paper should be no more than 4-5 pages (single-spaced, 12-point font) excluding Coversheet, Appendix, References section below.
    1. APA Style Coversheet
    2. Introduction (high-level findings from taking this Globe Smart Self-reflection)
    3, 4, 5, 6, 7. For every five traits (Independent vs Independent, Egalitarian vs Status, Risk vs Certainty, Direct vs Indirect, Task vs Relationship), address the following.
    a. Summarize your understanding of this trait
    b. How was your profile different from the countries you selected?
    c. What do you think was the reason behind the differences?
    d. From the list of recommendations given by the Globe Smart tool, what do you relate and can implement?
    8. Conclusion
    9. Appendix (Pictures of GlobeSmart profile analysis and recommendations given by GlobeSmart)
    10. References
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