The Assigned Case – A.P. Moller – Maersk Group: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives.
General Instructions Overview
The outcome of this assignment is a written report/research paper. The general paper should be an assessment and recommendation of the Case using the ADDIE Model. Do not over complicate the assignment. Read the Case then follow the ADDIE Model to write your paper. It’s that easy. Details of the ADDIE Model and the rubrics used for grading are included in the module.
- This is a ten point assignment and as such should be fairly comprehensive. I would expect about 1,000 words is sufficient.
- You are to use at least 5 ACADEMIC references to support your paper. Include these in your Reference section.
- Make sure you follow the APA guidelines and are appropriately documented in terms of references and in-text citations.
Additional information and detailed instructions are included below and in the module.
Detailed Instructions
Read the instructions very carefully. ALSO, open both Grading rubrics (2) and read over them carefully. Prepare an outline using only the headings of “Strategic Application”Rubric #1. Next, go to the Harvard Publishing website and purchase and download your case. Read it slowly and carefully the first time through. Then, read it again making notes along the way. As you progress through the text material, continue to review the case and start filling in the outline, keeping in mind the case instructions, the ADDIE model and the Rubric requirements. As you start to write your paper, review APA formatting requirements, grammar, punctuation, spelling, word usage, sentence structure, etc. Your grade will be based on these rubrics.
Assignment Details
This course focuses on the models, concepts, and phases of the ADDIE (ADiME) Model of assessing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating a training and development program. This paper is an opportunity to apply the models and concepts to the case study entitled “A.P. Moller – Maersk Group: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives.” The elements of your paper are to be helpful to Moller and Maersk (M&M); to improve their effectiveness through the development of a training program. A suggested way to accomplish this project is to read and become familiar with the case study first. As you learn about the concepts and models in the text, see how they may apply to the situation (case) to most benefit the organization. Do not wait to do all the writing during the last few days before the deadline. So, the idea is — you learn and then you write (apply) the concepts/models to the case. If you do this week to week, writing the paper will be much more manageable.
Using the Training and & HRD Process Model (Figure 1-7 of text, page 27) as the roadmap, you are to develop a Leadership Development training program for the “mission critical” group which is part of the top 120 positions in M&M. Note the text has chapters providing detailed information about each phase of this model. Note that the text model is called ADiME (assessment, design, implementation {also includes development but not framed that way}, and evaluation), which folds in development as part of implementation. For the purposes of this paper, organize the paper around the ADDIE Model (Google it).
Also note that additional components (Coaching and Performance Management, etc.). These components are in addition to the ones provided in the author’s model (page 27). However the additional components added to the model below are included in other chapters of the text as well.
The grading rubric uses a slightly different model called ADDIE (assessment, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). So make sure that when you write your paper that you address the items in the ADDIE grading rubric!
As you write your paper, present the components in the order provided below/ next page. Headings are in bold and these must be included in your paper in the order displayed below. Additionally, APA formatting must be incorporated into the paper. In writing anything you must keep the readers in mind and write in such a way that the reader finds it easy to follow your writing without having to read 2-3 times in an effort to understand what you are trying communicate. You may use headings interspersed within and in addition to the headings (bold-below) that the paper requires.
After you write the introduction of your paper, you’ll need to include headers corresponding to the grading rubric – assessment, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Certainly, you may have sub headers if that helps the organization of your paper. The statements below are from the grading rubric. You need to address these ADDIE Model phases as you develop a training program for M&M. These elements are listed below/ next page which include elements from the grading rubric.
General Outline
Distinguishes current HRD gaps from systemic (non-HRD) gaps, anticipates HRD needs based on organizational strategy, and anticipates HRD needs due to changes in technology
Briefly tell how you would conduct an assessment. Then based on the case provide data from the case
Design your Proposed Solutions
For example … strategy, objectives, method (fitted to the training target—skill, knowledge, interpersonal competency, or experiential growth), materials, and media (classroom or technological.) Only use that which is applicable to your proposals.
How Will You Develop Your Solution (above)
Organizes content assets (developed in the design phase) to plan timely and logical delivery of all learning components with proper integration.
How Will You Implement Your Solution
Such as contractor versus in-house facilitator, type of facility, use of technology, equipment, materials, scheduling/sequencing, constraints, and pilot test if feasible.
How Will You Evaluate The Effectiveness of Your Solution
SUGGESTION: use the four Kirkpatrick levels—reactions, learning (retention), behavior (transfer), and organization-level results
Model phase !
1. Assessment
Distinguishes current HRD gaps from systemic (non-HRD) gaps, anticipates HRD needs based on organizational strategy, and anticipates HRD needs due to changes in technology
You are to briefly tell how you would conduct an assessment. Then based on the case provide data from the case as well as “dummy” data you need to create to demonstrate evidence of assessment (results). What did the assessment look like as well as your interpretation of it. Address the italicized rubric statement above.
2 Define Purpose
Define Assessment Tools/Methods to Use
Collect and Compile Assessment Data – (if needed create dummy data for analysis)
Task Analysis
Person Analysis
Anticipate HRD needs due to changes in technology
Provide Data Analysis & Conclusions/Prioritization
Identify system (non-HRD) issues that are preventing effective performance that cannot be effectively addressed by training and development interventions
3. Design
Defines strategy, objectives, method (fitted to the training target—skill, knowledge, interpersonal competency, or experiential growth), materials, and media (classroom or technological.) You need to address the italicized rubric statement above. You are to have no more than 4 training objectives (Mager criteria).
Define Purpose/strategy
Write Training Objectives
Define Criteria for evaluation
Select Trainers (Criteria for selection)
Draft Lesson Plan (see text for example-p. 153; Figure 5-2)
Select Training Methods and Media (preliminary)
Draft Training Materials
Draft Schedule Program/course
Organizes content assets (developed in the design phase) to plan timely and logical delivery of all learning components with proper integration.
You need to address the italicized rubric statement above.
Determines contractor versus in-house facilitator, type of facility, use of technology, equipment, materials, scheduling/sequencing, constraints, and pilot test if feasible
Define Purpose
Decide Make or Buy: Justify
Select Instructional Methods for Training Delivery
Select Any On the Job Methods
Select Job Instruction Training
Select Classroom Instruction
Select Audiovisual Media
Select Computer Based Training (Classroom-Based)
Select Self-Paced/Computer-Based Training Media and Methods
Select Arrangements for the Physical Environment
You need to address the italicized rubric statement above.
Evaluates data using the four Kirkpatrick levels—reactions, learning (retention), behavior (transfer), and organization-level results
You need to address the italicized rubric statement above.
Define Purpose
Select Criteria and Methods of Evaluation
Choose Research Design
Choose Data Collection Methods
Identify Means of Assessing HRD in Monetary Terms
Present Evaluation Data and Interpretation-Was the Training Successful? Why or Why Not?
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