A summary-response essay summarizes and responds to an author’s argument on a particular subject or issue. This requires careful, faithful explanation of what the author is actually saying in the “summary” part of your essay, even if you disagree with their premise, chain of evidence, argument, or conclusion. Then, in the response, you either refute or agree with the author’s argument and state your own opinion on the subject based on evidence (facts, personal experience, etc.) in order to ADD to the societal discussion on that topic.

You must use the following format:
Summary (1-2 paragraphs)
Response (1-3 paragraphs)

  • 2-3 pages using the correct summary-response format. This does not include the Works Cited page, which must go on a separate page.
  • MLA format
  • Must be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment.

Works Cited

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