Once you’ve chosen the subject, research and work up a common chief complaint from that system that you haven’t learned already in the program and present your findings in the discussion threads. Push yourself to explore diagnoses in this area that are still common to primary care, but not a repeat of content learned in this or other courses.

Work up includes:

Chief complaint, PMHx, Demographics, PSHx, allergies, lifestyle, HPI

Associated risk factors/demographics that contribute to the chief complaint and differential diagnoses

Three common differential diagnoses represented by the CC including pathophysiology and rationale in the identified body system i.e., if pulmonary was your body system than a chief complaint could be persistent cough and three pulmonary differentials;

Discuss how the three differential diagnoses differ from each other in: occurrence, pathophysiology and presentation (NOTE: Simply listing the diagnoses and their occurrence, pathophysiology and presentations separately does not confer an understanding of how they differ. Your discussion should compare and contrast these items against each other among the three differentials chosen);

Relevant testing required to diagnose/evaluate severity of the three differential diagnoses; and

Review of relevant National Guidelines related to the Diagnosis and Diagnostic testing for these diagnoses

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