For this essay project you will create a letter that responds to one problem in the community. Community could be things like local community, neighborhood community, school community (college or if you have children the secondary school community), work community, etc. You will find the appropriate person to address and suggest some solutions to a community problem. This essay will consist of the 3-4 outside sources. This means you will find appropriate sources to support your solution. The quotes and paraphrases will be done informally (no works cited necessary).

The audience is skeptical of your position. However, the addressee of your letter is also someone who can be convinced through persuasive logical reasoning and solid evidence.

Essay Requirements:

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Length 2-3 pages / 12 pt. font/ Times New Roman/Single spaced
Use block letter format (with the exception of using 1-inch margins all around)

Informal citations (quotes and paraphrases) – include things like author, title, and source type before quoting/paraphrasing.

For this assignment I need a rough draft ( This should be a rough draft of your letter. – Not perfect but complete. Things to include: Block format, brief introduction establishing your ethos, several body paragraphs touching on the problem and solution and a brief conclusion closing the topic.) and a final draft.

The outline –…

The example –…

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