Assignment Details

The Final Assignment is a 4- to 6-page paper that analyzes the following case study:

Case Study

Mr. Knightly has been a Special Education teacher at Jackson Elementary School for seven years. Every five years, he must renew his teaching license and, to do that, he must complete 6-semester hours, or 90-clock hours, of Continuing Education during the five-year period. Recently, he took a course called, “Diversity in the Special Ed Classroom.” Having taught at Jackson Elementary School for so long, he felt he had a pretty good understanding of the disproportionate representation of minorities in the elementary school special education classroom. But, his professor discussed a recent Penn State study that indicated that minorities were actually underestimated in terms of being identified as needing special education services in elementary and middle school. The conflicting reports made his head spin. He decided to talk with his co-worker, Ms. Dailey.

Mr. Knightly and Ms. Dailey sat down for coffee in the teacher’s lounge to discuss this discrepancy in reports.

Ms. Dailey: “I think we need to focus on what we can do for all students instead of hoping we get it right in identifying those in need of special supports through special education. I mean, we have federal laws that provide criteria for special education services, but we are still failing to meet the needs of many students.”

Mr. Knightly: “Yeah, I know that there are students who arrive in my class that could probably have stayed in the general education classroom if help had been given in time.”

Ms. Dailey: “Have you heard about Response-to-Intervention?”

Mr. Knightly: “Actually, I just read an article about a school in Florida that has had real success with the program.”

Ms. Dailey: “You know, many of our students’ interfering behaviors impact their success with academics. We may want to consider a combination program that deals with academics, interfering behaviors, and social skills.”

Mr. Knightly: “It sounds like you’re thinking of RTI and a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) program. If we could bring in a social skills program too . . . .”

Ms. Dailey: “I’d have to do some research, but I believe many SWPBS programs bring in specialized social skill programs under the “Behavior Education Program” in Tier 2.”

Mr. Knightly: “Would you want to work with me to put together a proposal for the school district on bringing in RTI, SWPBS, and social skills training?”

Ms. Dailey: “Let’s get started!”

Prepare a 4-6 page proposal (not including title and reference pages) that Mr. Knightly and Ms. Dailey can present at the next School Board meeting that covers the following topics:

Part I

Introduce the Response to Intervention (RTI) program and the School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) program to the School Board members by defining these programs.

  • Explain the evolution of RTI and its purpose
  • Explain how RTI meets IDEA 2004 criteria for “Early Intervening Services.”
  • Explain the purpose of SWPBS
  • Relate the ways in which the combination of RTI and SWPBS can support student success in academics and promote socially acceptable behaviors conducive to learning.
  • Explain how the addition of a social skills program to Tier 2: Targeted Intervention (SWPBS) can provide an extra layer of training for socially significant behaviors in the Behavior Education Program.

After providing the School Board with basic information regarding RTI and SWPBS, and discussing the advantages of adding the social skills program to Tier 2 of the SWPBS plan, you will present a demonstration model of an RTI and SWPBS, with a social skills program, to the Board.

Part II

Develop a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support plan for Jackson Elementary School. Include the following:

  1. Tier 1: Universal Interventions
    1. Devise and operationally define three (3) culturally responsive school rules.
    2. Develop positive reinforcement strategies aligned with the three (3) rules.
    3. Develop consequences for students who do not comply with the three (3) school rules.
    4. Explain how you will teach students the three (3) rules, and how students will earn positive reinforcement (and what those reinforcements will be) and what the consequences will be for not complying with the rules.
    5. Prepare data collection devices to record data from universal screening and continuous progress monitoring to make decisions regarding students’ progress.
  1. Tier 2: Targeted Interventions
  1. Tier 3: Individualized Interventions
    1. Summarize the selection process for placing at-risk students in Tier 2.
    2. Explain how RTI can be integrated into Tier 2.
    3. Develop the Behavior Education Program:
      1. Construct a reinforcement system for appropriate behaviors
      2. Explain the essential elements of the Behavior Education Program
      3. Select one social skills program from the following list to incorporate into the Behavior Education Program and explain the components of the program and how it will be implemented.
        • Skillstreaming
        • ACCEPTS
        • ACCESS
        • Stop and Think
        • Replacement Behavior Training
        • Social Stories
        • Videotherapy
    1. Summarize the criteria for placement of students in Tier 3.
    2. Develop the system of supports that Jackson Elementary School will provide at this level.
    3. Explain the assessment approaches that will be used. How will the assessment results guide the selection of needed supports?
    4. Explain how wraparound services can support not only the student but also the family.

Papers should incorporate information from your readings with ideas of how those concepts can be applied to Jackson Elementary School. Your Assignment should be double-spaced; in 12-point, Times New Roman font; and in APA format. Please use your textbook as your main source for this paper, but you may include other sources as needed to support your plan.

Please consult the Writing Center sources if you need assistance with APA format. All information written in the paper must be in your original words. Paraphrased and quoted material must be cited in the body of your paper and listed on your reference page.

Final Assignments are due on Tuesday at midnight, ET, of this unit, so plan your work accordingly.


Shepherd, T. L. & Linn, D. (2014). Behavior and classroom management in the multicultural classroom: Proactive, active, and

reactive strategies. Thousand Oaks, CA.

Reading and Resources

Chapter 13 in Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom: Proactive, Active, and Reactive Strategies: “School-Wide Positive Behavior Support”

Chapter 13 introduces you to School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS). This approach to classroom and school management focuses on reducing interfering behaviors and increasing desired behaviors so teachers can expend their energies on academics, rather than reacting to interfering behaviors. This program has a hierarchy of levels; each higher level provides more intensive supports for the student. School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) has been shown to reduce problem behaviors and is particularly useful in reducing behavior problems associated with cultural and linguistic diversity (Shepherd & Linn, 2014).

Chapter 14 Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom: Proactive, Active, and Reactive Strategies: “Social Skills Training”

Chapter 14 introduces you to many social skills programs that can be used in the classroom and, more importantly for our focus in Unit 9, in a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) program. Increasing students’ social skills – and social competencies, has proven to improve “students’ problem-solving skills, interaction skills, and cooperation skills” (Shepherd & Linn, 2014, p. 287).

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