Make your essays five FULL pages, double-spaced, to be eligible for an A. You still have to write an A paper, but anything less than five pages, no matter how good, will not earn an A.

No sources. I want YOUR opinions, not the internet’s.

Don’t plagiarize. Again, YOUR opinions, not some website’s.

Reflect on the themes of the episodes. Did they make you think of something that has affected you, or that makes you think of life in a new and fresh way?

Think of writing an opinion piece for a magazine or an editorial for TV or radio.

All TZ episodes unless otherwise indicated–

The Hitch-hiker

The Hunt

Nothing in the Dark

Nice Place to Visit

A short drink from a certain fountain

Long live Water Jamison

Kick the Can

The Trade-ins

Mirror Image

The After-Hours

Nightmare at 20,000 feet

The Masks

I am the Night, Color Me Black

(STAR TREK) Let that be your final battlefield

(STAR TREK) The Cloud Minders

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