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Selective Listening

Selective listening is the act of hearing and interpreting only parts of a message that seem relevant to you, while ignoring or devaluing the rest. Often, selective listeners will form arguments before they’ve heard the full story, making them not only poor listeners, but poor speakers too!

Compose a list of objects or ideas, all similar in theme. For example: turkey, lettuce, tomato, mayo, mustard, cheese, etc. These are all sandwich components, and most people will recognize this. The list should be relatively long, maybe 15 to 20 words, and have some repeated words. For example: turkey, lettuce, tomato, mayo, mustard, cheese, ham, lettuce, pickles, onion, olives, lettuce…

Read this list to 3 people (all at once or individually), and then allot them 30 seconds to write down as many words as they can remember. Most people will remember the word that was repeated the most, and a notable amount will most likely write down words that were obvious, but not actually stated in the list. For example: bread, sandwich, or food.

  1. Who were your listeners and what were the words you used for the exercise?
  2. Take your listeners’ lists and compare them to the list you read. How did your listeners do? How many words did each miss? Did everyone include the repeated words? More importantly, were any words given that you didn’t say?
  3. Share your findings with the listener. What was their reaction?
  4. What [sub-]type(s) of listening do you think they were using?
  5. What is the significance of this exercise? How can it help you in the workplace? Explain using critical thinking skills, demonstrating depth of thought.

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