In LOS312, we will have five (5) short paper assignments to complete.Please use the Short Paper Template (located in Syllabus & Info) as a resource for completing these assignments. Each Short Paper is worth 50 points.
Module 3 – Short Paper #1
In LOS312, you will be required to complete five (5) short papers. These short papers, each focusing on a mini-case study featuring an HR-related theme, allow you to begin the process of applying the HR concepts we cover in each unit. This hands-on process will help these topics “stick” by enhancing your knowledge of how to apply these concepts in your professional life.
Short Paper #1 (SP 1) is titled Zynga, and is located in our textbook on pages 33.Once you have read the case study, and reflected on our LOS312 concepts and theories, please answer the following question in your case study analysis:
Imagine you are the new HR director at Zynga. What do you think you might do in this situation to limit the potential loss of a large number of very talented people?
HR managers frequently have to teach other senior managers how to more effectively engage with their employees. What do you think you could do about Mr. Pincus? How might you coach Mr. Pincus regarding his management style?
In order to successfully complete this assignment, be sure to refer to the instructions on the Short Paper Template located in the Syllabus & Info section of our Blackboard course website.You will submit this short paper via the Short Paper Assignment link in Module 3.Please name your paper:SP 1 Your Name
APA Format Minimum of 2 references. Zynga in Human Resources Management textbook.
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