
The introduction of the 5G network makes it possible to process and distribute large volumes of data more efficiently, thus impacting the sectors of the society such as the economy. According to Marabissi et al (2018), there is a greater expectation that the 5G network will have 1000-fold communication capacity thus creating new opportunities and possibilities in the global economy. For example, the 5G network will bring about ultra-reliable and reduced latency communication capabilities (Yu, Lee & Jeon, 2017). This will allow companies to collaborate on different tasks online thus increasing the quality and quantity of output while reducing costs of production. According to Marabissi et al (2018), the introduction of the 5G network has generated interest from scientists, who are testing its capability to create and support a new digital economy. In the new digital economy, it is expected that increased connectivity, high-speed communication, and a reliable 5G network will facilitate business to establish smart industries, establish new markets online and collaborate with suppliers efficiently.

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