please read the requirement carefully, and use 3 leaders’ who embrace diversity. Please be specific and illustrate how they succeed.

While this statement is somewhat broad it allows for your original thought. You can:

– Think of any leaders that you admire or know of/read about; focus on leaders that you know about from your home country (China), the US, or another country

– Conduct external/secondary research to locate details on 3 business leaders that have embraced diversity

– Interview a leader who has embraced diversity (primary research)

– Any other tactics that you know of to gather this information

weave in concepts around overcoming any conflicts in establishing greater organizational diversity and inclusion. discuss their strategies to embrace and foster diversity and inclusion within the organizations that they lead.

The key is to locate/utilize information about 3 leaders and detail how they have embraced diversity.

grading rubric: Assignment demonstrates complete understanding and execution of the assigned objectives. Thesis statement/argument is clearly stated, complex and original, and the writing does not spend excessive time on any one point of development at the expense of developing other points in the body of the paper. Writing is also error-free, without ambiguity, and reads smoothly, creatively, and with a purpose.

please use MLA citation.

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