submission 1
- My first memoir topic that I am thinking about is writing about one of the lucid days my grandmother had when I lived her over the summer while she suffered from Alzheimer’s. It is a memory that I will never forget and it engrained in me. Living with her changed my life and I learned the lesson of never taking your life for granted and finding happiness where you are now in your life.
- Another memory I could use for my memoir is the phone call I got from my father while I was in library telling me he was cutting me off financially. Once again it is something that is extremely vivid to me, and I know I will be able to describe the call and my reaction in detail. The greater lesson I learned from this is becoming independent and learning how to adapt in any situation. My life changed all at once during that day.
- The third potential topic I could use is the way I found out my parents were getting divorced. I clearly remember parents screaming at each other, and it was just something in their voices that I knew they were getting divorced before they even told me. Everything I knew at 10 years old suddenly was gone, and I had learned a new way of life. The lesson I learned from this was how to become resilient and become flexible when hardships come your way in life.
Submission 2
- The first memoir topic that I am thinking of writing about is a memory. Specifically, the day my parents told me my dad was diagnosed with ALS. I think that this would be a good topic for my memoir because it was a pivotal moment that shaped the rest of my life, and a memory that I will never forget. The greater lesson I learned from this experience is how to be accepting of change during difficult times, and learning to adjust to a new way of life.
- The second memoir topic that I am thinking of writing is also a memory. It is about the day I got accepted to SDSU. I think that this would be a good topic for my memoir because it was my proudest moment, but also my most difficult. I had the choice of going to my dream school out of state but having to leave my dad whom was sick, or staying in-state with my family. The greater lesson that I learned was making big decisions can be difficult, but you have to trust your instincts.
- My third topic for my memoir is the memory I have of my mom coming to pick me up from school, telling me my grandpa passed away. I will always remember the look on my moms face before she told me the news. I think this would be a good topic for my memoir because this was the first time in my life I ever had to deal with loss. The greater lesson I learned was to never take advantage of the time you have with your loved ones, and that grief comes in many different forms.
the comments should include
- Their topic’s appropriateness for a memoir
- The moral or lesson learned
- Which topic you think will be best for this project and why
- Potential details that might need to be present for each topic
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