Take a look at these two sites location. What do you think. Share your thoughts.
Is this a reversal of fortunes that requires a change or a market shift.
Describe the five generic strategies.
Which of the five strategies do you consider to be strategically more robust?
Which is the most commonly implemented/used and why?
The Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a recall of 1 million Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones 2016, calling the devices “serious fire and burn hazards.”
This a current headline on what is happening to Samsung. Given this turn of events is Samsung acting responsibly? What do you think will be the long term impact to the company as consumers begin to react to this news and the potential danger posed by there phones? Given the critical issue at hand how should competitors react/act? Is this an opportunity to gain market share?
The company is having similar issues with its Note 8. But, is expect to sell lots of newer models in 2018.
HP is recalling Laptops for Battery issues beginning 2018
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