Check out Luckin’s business model (China) and imagine opening coffee shops like this business model in Manhattan.

The name of the new coffee shop is “Smart Coffee”, please read the uploaded class file then finish following questions.

1.List out your Beachhead Market + End-User Profile.FILLER TEXT

2.Create the Full Life Cycle of your customer and how they make a decision to buy your product.FILLER TEXT

3.Use a flowchart with lots of details to explain the buying behavior of the customer.FILLER TEXT

4.Use the proposition statement format to create your startup’s value proposition.  Spend time on this to find the right word choice as well as creating a positive vision (+ impact on your customer’s life).FILLER TEXT

5.List your 15+ sources at the end titled “Bibliography” in MLA(modern language association 8th edition) format. FILLER TEXT

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