I need an expert writer and business professional for this assignment. I hate having to revise so much due to grammar errors!

Every organization should periodically revisit its mission, vision, values and strategic direction to determine if they remain relevant and appropriate in light of external events and internal changes.

In doing so, the organization must examine the specific elements that it has selected, emphasized and devoted resources to so that it achieves the desired results. This examination helps the leadership determine whether these elements are aligned e.g. working together or if they are in conflict with each other, and are producing friction and inefficiencies. This careful examination of internal elements is also essential for determining the organization’s capability and capacity to deliver desired results. In other words, does it have the “muscle” to do the job…or does it need to re-align itself and acquire additional resources

The Assignment (A0501)

Write a 1-3 page (approximately 500 word) response to the items below. There are 5 questions that need to be answered with the last one having multiple parts.

  1. Select an organization. (http://www.covenanthousega.org/) 2
  2. Briefly discuss what external events and/or internal changes have occurred regarding this organization over the last year.
  3. What impact have these events and changes had on this organization? Note: this impact may be on one part, function or service area. Or it could be something the effects the entire organization.4
  4. What organizational elements do you see as the most vulnerable, and, perhaps now, are not operating in the most effective and efficient manner? [Select, name and utilize one of the models presented in the Course Material to identify the organizational system elements].
  5. Create or identify* a short list of questions, listed by item/topic (e.g. strategy, culture, leadership, infrastructure – decision making, business process, technology) based on the model you are using that you would use to assess the internal environment. * You may use the questions and item topics listed in the BEAM “Health Check” Org.- Operations Assessment or another tool. I NEED ABOUT 5 QUESTIONS! The information did not come over to good but it should all be in there for assistance.

Research Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective CommunicationIncludes mechanics, style, and clarity of writing.

10.0 pts

Hits all critical elements

8.0 pts

Some elements missing

6.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch ExplainedIncludes credible sources and summarizes research.

10.0 pts

Hits all critical elements

8.0 pts

Some elements missing

6.0 pts


10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of AnalysisExplains why the research is relevant and how the research can be applied.

10.0 pts

Hits all critical elements

8.0 pts

Some elements missing

6.0 pts


10.0 pts

Total Points: 30.0

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