I am Network Engineer and studying executive mba in IT. As part of Final Week narration
written report should include: WITH PPT.
For the final project and presentation consider a change that you believe would be profitable for your company in the long run (with short run analysis too).
- Clear statement of the problem
- Academic support of problem/solution (minimum of two, one can be your text)
- Industry support of problem/solution (minimum of two)
- Clear statement of proposed change(s) and expected outcome(s).
- The first page should be an Executive Summary using bullet points (this may be very similar to the sheet you use for your presentation)
- The report should be in APA format and include:
- Title page
- Do not do an abstract, instead insert your Executive Summary here.
- Introduction
- Literature review (academic and industry information that helps frame your recommendation)
- Empirical analysis (specific details regarding the problem and proposed solution – your introduction may have briefly described the problem, here you add more details)
- Conclusion
- This may be brief and should include a restatement of problem and solution.
- You may also add any future considerations related to your recommendation that were outside the scope of the topic you investigated.
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