1. Develop a 1 page executive summary about the topic, “Designing Healthy Communities for Healthy Living

Please follow the guide below to write a 3 page paper.

a) Is the topic clearly related to one or more documented health outcomes? What is the evidence for the relationship? (In some cases, provide a more specific definition for the behavior; for example, if a topic concerned “physical activity” possibly choose to narrow the behavior to “walking for exercise.” Also, the student may wish to select one particular health outcome to focus on). b) How common (prevalent) is the topic? How common (prevalent) is the health outcome? Assign potential population of interest, but may need to be defined more specifically (for example, if the assigned topic says “in adolescents,” is there a particular geographic or demographic group of interest?). c) Background information about “Designing Healthy Communities for Healthy Living“. What makes the topic more likely to occur? What makes the topic relevant? Some things to examine could be characteristics of the topic itself (for example, the behavior might be very pleasurable, habitual, or involve addiction), the individual (personal characteristics), society (social norms, what others are doing) and the larger environment (resources, policies) that make the topic easier or more difficult to address. d) Reference formatting, clarity, and mechanics (e.g., grammar, spelling, punctuation, proper citations). References should include primary peer- reviewed literature and government reports; as a general rule, do not cite Web pages except in unusual circumstances, for example, to identify organizational policies or to describe the type of information or advice generally available to the public.– What makes the public health topic more likely to occur? What makes the public health topic relevant? Some things to examine could be characteristics of the public health topic itself (for example, the behavior might be very pleasurable, habitual, or involve addiction), the individual (personal characteristics), society (social norms, what others are doing) and the larger environment (resources, policies) that make the public health topic easier or more difficult to address.

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