Answer ONE of the following questions that has not been answered by a previous poster, unless they have all been answered once already. Also post a paragraph response to one of the other postings by your classmates. Make clear which comment you are responding to. You may agree, disagree, ask a question, or try to come up with a transition connecting two of the ideas in different postings. (PICK Choice 3)

Choice 1. Type a three paragraph response to “Under Attack” . In the first paragraph, summarize this article from The Economist. For the second and third paragraph, identify two opposing views suggested by the article (the economist editors’ and the opposing view), and give reasons that could be used to support each view.

Choice 2. Type a three paragraph response to “Free Speech in the Age of YouTube” . In the first paragraph, summarize this article from The New York Times. For the second and third paragraph, identify two opposing views suggested by the article, and give reasons that could be used to support each view.

Choice 3. Type a three paragraph response to “The Free Speech–Hate Speech Trade-Off” . In the first paragraph, summarize this opinion from The New York Times. For the second and third paragraph, identify two opposing views suggested by the article, and give reasons that could be used to support each view.

Choice 4. Are there any controversies regarding free speech you have heard about lately? Summarize, give 2 opposing views, and your own opinion.

Choice 5: For your thesis statement for Essay 1, try writing a one-story, a two-story, and a three-story thesis statement. How do the three statements differ?

Choice 6: Explain what a claim is, how one of the authors uses it, and how you might use it.

Choice 7: Explain what grounds are, how one of the authors uses them, and how you might use them.

Choice 8: Explain what warrants are, how one of the authors uses them, and how you might use them.

Choice 9: Explain what backing is, how one of the authors uses it, and how you might use it.

Choice 10: Explain what modal qualifiers are, how one of the authors uses them, and how you might use them.

Choice 11: Explain what rebuttals are, how one of the authors uses them, and how you might use them.

Reply to peer’s post:

Choice 2. Type a three paragraph response to “Free Speech in the Age of YouTube” . In the first paragraph, summarize this article from The New York Times. For the second and third paragraph, identify two opposing views suggested by the article, and give reasons that could be used to support each view.

In the article titled “Free Speech in the Age of YouTube” Sengupta, the author, provides a discussion around the issue of hate speech and free speech in a global world. Because the Internet is universal and global, there is no limit to where it reaches. Especially Youtube, being the most popular video sharing website, is starting to run into many issues surround free speech. The article focuses on a story where an anti-Islamic video was uploaded on Youtube and caused a lot of controversy. In the end, Youtube decided to restrict access to the video in Egypt, Libya, and five other countries. Through this situation, one can see how much responsibility Youtube has being one of the biggest websites on the internet. Ultimately they are the ones who decide which videos get uploaded to their network and it is up to them how to they handle situations like these.

Many wondered why Youtube did not delete such a controversial anti-Islamic video and according to Youtube is it because, “It did not meet its definition of hate speech” (Sengupta) This brings up the issue of hate speech. Hate speech cannot be exactly defined and what qualifies as hate speech is quite subjective. Youtube defines hate speech as something that: “ ‘attacks or demeans a group’ based on its race, religion and so on” (Sengupta). Although many people may disagree that an anti-Islamic is actually a form of hate speech, in the end, Youtube decided that it was not. This may lead people to believe that Youtube does not do anything to prevent hate speech on its platform.

The article shares an opinion of an individual called Mr. Wu who said: “the public deserved to know more about how private firms made those decisions in the first place, every day, all over the world. After all, he added, they are setting case law, just as courts do in sovereign countries.” (Sengupta) Mr. Wu brings up a valid point because no company, court, or country will be able to make a decision that everyone agrees with. If Youtube was more public about how it comes to decisions, then people of the world may be more understanding even if they do not agree with it. This may be a reason why people feel that Google and Youtube have so much power because they do not share many things publicly about how matters or issues are resolved.



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