
Leadership Paradox and Inter-team Relations

A. What is the leadership paradox? Give some reasons why a leader can encounter difficulty in newly formed teams or groups using a participative management system. Support your discussion with at least two (2) external sources.

B. Present a discussion of the strategies for encouraging participative management in the workforce, and how to implement each of these strategies. Support your discussion with at least two (2) external sources.

C. What serious biases or misassumptions do groups that are involved in inter-team conflict sometimes experience? How do these biases and prejudices affect the ability of teams to accomplish their goals? Support your discussion with at least two (2) external sources.



“Managers and leaders are central to employees’ experience of work and their experience within the organization. Leaders are always part of a broader organizational culture and the overall culture will outlast any individual leader’s efforts. Over time, leaders will shape the culture, but this takes years and affecting this type of change is more similar to steering a tanker – slow and deliberate (Mehrabi, J.2015).


Promoting Learning and Career Development

Using participative management strategies, effective leaders encourage their employees to identify performance gaps and set their own career path using company resources, including formal education, workshops and self-paced courses. Employees use assessment tools to identify their strengths and weaknesses in achieving company goals. Then, they create a development plan and review it with their managers. This enables the employee to create a customized action for improving her skills over the coming year. By empowering the employee to assess her own competency and establish a plan, the leader guides the employee and provides a supportive atmosphere in which to develop the skills necessary to achieve the company’s strategic goals (Somech, A.2009) .


Causes of Intergroup Conflict

One of the most prominent reasons for intergroup conflict is simply the nature of the group. Other reasons may be work interdependence, goal variances, differences in perceptions, and the increased demand for specialists. Also, individual members of a group often play a role in the initiation of group conflict. Any given group embodies various qualities, values, or unique traits that are created, followed, and even defended. These clans can then distinguish “us” from “them.” Members who violate important aspects of the group, and especially outsiders, who offend these ideals in some way, normally receive some type of corrective or defensive response. Relationships between groups often reflect the opinions they hold of each other’s characteristics. When groups share some interests and their directions seem parallel, each group may view the other positively; however, if the activities and goals of groups differ, they may view each other in a negative manner. When trying to prevent or correct intergroup conflict, it is important to consider the history of relations between the groups in conflict. History will repeat itself if left to its own devices (Thompson.2008).

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