There are four items below that you will need to answer or address. Please submit your responses in a word document using current APA format. The paper should be presented with four separate sections. Each section should address the items below. This assignment is worth 100 points. The SDS required for item 4 should be included in the appendices.

  1. Discuss how the required components of the hazard communication standard can be used to identify occupational health hazards associated with chemicals.
  2. Describe how you can use the components of the hazard communication standard to formulate a plan to control occupational health hazards associated with chemicals in workplaces.
  3. Describe the sections contained in a safety data sheet (SDS), formally called a material safety data sheet, and explain the relevance of this information.
  4. Find an SDS for a chemical in your workplace or a chemical that you may use or be exposed to personally (e.g. gasoline, bleach, etc.). Include a copy of the SDS in this assignment. Present the recommended or required personal protective equipment that should be utilized with this chemical and under which circumstances, if applicable
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