Intervention Strategies [CLOs: 1, 2] |
Prior to beginning this interactive assignment, read the Beware the Next Big Thing, Banishing the Bosses Brings out Zappos’ Hidden Entrepreneurs (Links to an external site.), Why Pain is Inevitable for Zappos and Holacracy (Links to an external site.), and What’s Causing Zappos to ‘Hemorrage’ Talent (Links to an external site.) articles.
In Week Two, you took on the role of an internal consultant and made a recommendation to the executive board to implement holacracy. It is now six months later and the new organizational system (holocracy) is faced with challenges while trying to implement the change. As the internal consultant, you are now tasked with brainstorming with a change intervention team to devise a possible solution. The problem is that the employee turnover rate is high and people are having a hard time adjusting to the new organizational structure.
For this interactive assignment, you will create a 7- to 10-PowerPoint slide presentation that addresses the following:
- Describe the challenges the organization faces due to the implementation of holacracy.
- Conduct a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.
- Address each of the SWOT elements on a separate slide.
- Develop a rudimentary intervention strategy based on the outcomes of the SWOT analysis.
- A references slide with a minimum of two scholarly and/or credible sources.
Attach the PowerPoint presentation to your initial post.
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