You may want to use this as a checklist to make sure that your paper is ready for submission: Did you submit the paper through Turnitin? *** I recommend that you submit your paper through Turnitin well before it is due. Make adjustments if needed and then resubmit. You will have to submit the paper into the submission folder to run it through TII Is the Turnitin percentage 25% or less? This is the goal. It is important to look at the report to see where the citations may need to be fixed. Did you make adjustments and rerun the paper through Turnitin? Are all of the in-text citations noted correctly? Quotation marks used when needed? Author, date, and page numbers used correctly? Large quotes done correctly? Is the reference list done correctly? Titles of books and journals (and volume number) italicized? In alphabetical order? Is the format correct for each reference based on its type? If electronic sources are used is the URL included (but NOT the retrieval date)? Is the format of the paper correct? Title page? Formatted correctly Running head? 12 pt font, double spaced, 1 in. margins? Reference Page in correct format? Subtitles placed correctly? Did you look at the rubric to make sure that you covered everything that should be included? Did you reread your paper and run spell check?
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