Workshop Flyer < Prior to participating in this discussion, explore the Real-Life Challenges in Education (Links to an external site.) interactive. Your supervisor would like you to create a flyer to begin generating interest for your upcoming workshop. However, since this is a document that will be displayed throughout the center, your supervisor has requested you create this and share it with your peers at the center for feedback, before public display. The one-page flyer can be completed in Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, or an option of your choice. This assignment will be submitted both in this discussion forum and in your Summative Template; it is a part of the complete package. You will save the file as a PDF and submit to the discussion forum for peer feedback. Here is the Canines with Manners summative flyer example. In your initial post, You will upload a PDF file of your Workshop Flyer which will include The title of the workshop that will be presented at the Ashford Multigenerational Center. The objective/purpose of the workshop. The target audience (who should attend). Your name (as the presenter). Time, date, and place. An image to represent the content. Your flyer will Be colorful and engaging. Be organized in a clear layout, and easy for the reader to navigate. You will state the following in the Discussion Forum in addition to the flyer: State your degree program. The position you interviewed for at the Ashford Multigenerational Center. Your clients. Title of your workshop. Topic of your workshop. Why you chose this topic for your workshop. Your biggest concern about hosting this workshop. Ethical Scenarios Regardless of your field of study, you will encounter ethical issues along the way that will require difficult choices. The best way to problem solve is to use your Professional Standards by Program table as a guide. In this discussion forum, each program has a scenario to read, reflect on, and problem-solve using the knowledge you have gained from your degree program in conjunction with your professional standards. To prepare for this Discussion, Choose the attached ethical scenario that corresponds with your program. BACD BACS BAECDDI BAECE BAECEA BAES BAELLS BAID BALS In the Professional Standards by Program table, follow the link corresponding to your program’s professional standards. In your initial post, List the title of your scenario. Copy and paste the specific professional standard that will help you solve this ethical dilemma. Respond to the following question: Why did you choose the standard you did? Describe the steps you would take to solve this problem. Create an ethical scenario of your own that pertains to your field of study for your peers to solve. Be sure that your scenario is detailed enough so that your peers from a different field of study can understand the situation and problem solve. Climate and Learning Environment < Each of the positions or jobs listed in Week 1 take place in a specific location within the Multigenerational Center. As a future employee of one of these spaces, you will be designing the environment in which you will work. Depending on your field of study and/or your job role, the questions you might ask yourself and the environmental factors you may consider could vary. For example: As a librarian what are the things that will be important to consider? Integration of technology, lighting, available resources, and so forth will all be important to the design of each environment. Learning environment design for both children and adults has been shown to have tremendous impact on learning. As an instructional designer, consider the different elements that should be considered when presenting material digitally or when creating an online classroom. How will your clients interact? What will their environment need to be like? Sometimes the environment in which instruction will take place will influence the design of the learning materials or activitie...

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