Watch the movie Whiplash, and thinking about following authority blindly (Reliance on Authority) as a barrier to critical thinking, answer the following questions.

  1. Following authority blindly is a block to critical thinking as well as an evasion to autonomy. Discuss one to two specific examples of this from the film. Furthermore, is it possible to defy such an authority? If so what might the outcomes be? Explain
  2. Are fear and shame effective ways to motivate? Does Fletcher’s yelling and exertion of authority motivate Andrew? Why or why not? What other approaches could Fletcher have taken to motivate his students? How can someone get the most and best out of someone else and help make the person great?
  3. How does Fletcher use a system of privilege to maintain his authority? Consider the maintenance of masculinity, sexism, and homophobia as tools Fletcher uses. How do others in the band respond to this authority?
  • Each response should be a well thought out paragraph – this should be a minimum of 2 pages.
  • This is considered a formal writing assignment. One of the main rules of writing formal, academic papers is to avoid using second person. Second person refers to the pronoun you. Formal papers should not address the reader directly.

Source: YouTube Video

You should be able to find the movie on various websites. I believe FMovies has it available for free. It is also available in our SCC library to check out on DVD. For those of you that have not seen this movie it is rather good, but pretty intense.

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