Question 1 Connie,  the president of a company that makes paper, has a new interest in the  environment. She recently went to a seminar on environmental dangers and  has decided to take steps to clean things up. She started at home and  was also committed to change things at work. Connie had to face the fact  that her company has been cheating and is not in compliance with  applicable environmental regulations due to dumping in a nearby river.  Her company has never been cited, however, because it employs a very  large number of people in the community, including the mayor’s wife and  the chief-of-police’s brother. On her mission to clean things  up, Connie has decided to go even further than the law requires and  install the very latest environmental protections. When she announced  her plan, the chair of the company’s board of directors, Brooke, had a  meeting with Connie. Brooke told Connie to analyze the situation  carefully because the cost of the additional equipment would mean no  dividend to shareholders and no raise for employees. Furthermore, Brooke  told Connie that installing all of the new equipment would result in  higher prices for the company’s paper products and could bankrupt the  company because of foreign competition. Brooke hinted that Connie could  be fired if she persisted. Brooke suggested that Connie just be  concerned with a minimal standard of ethics. Which of the following  would be a stakeholder in the company?         The community only          The shareholders only          Future generations only          The community and shareholders only          The community, shareholders, and future generations 2 points Question 2 Which  of the following is TRUE regarding the liability in tort of employers  for the actions of employees and independent contractors?         Employers  are generally liable in tort for the actions of their employees, while  they are generally not liable for the actions of independent  contractors.          Employers  are generally liable in tort for the actions of independent  contractors, while they are generally not liable for the actions of  employees.          Employers are not generally liable in tort for the actions of independent contractors or for the actions of employees.          Employers are generally liable in tort for the actions of independent contractors and also for the actions of employees.          Employers  are generally liable in tort for the actions of independent contractors  and the actions of employees, but only if the employer has agreed to be  liable in a written contract with the employee or independent  contractor. 2 points Question 3 Which of the following was the result on appeal in the case of Webster v. Blue Ship Tea Room Inc .—the case in which the plaintiff sued after getting a bone caught in her throat while eating clam chowder?         That the plaintiff could recover based upon the implied warranty of merchantability          That the plaintiff could recover based upon the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose          That the plaintiff could recover based on an express warranty          That  the plaintiff could not recover because she waited too long in which to  sue and also because she was not the direct purchaser of the fish          That the plaintiff could not recover for reasons including that the bone should not have been unexpected 2 points Question 4 A  partnership in which the partners divide profits and management  responsibilities and share unlimited personal liability for the  partnership’s debt is called a __________.         general partnership          limited partnership          limited liability partnership          corporation          limited liability company 2 points Question 5 A  person who contracts with another to do something for him or her but  who is not controlled by the other nor subject to the other’s right to  control with respect to his or her physical conduct in the perfor…

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