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400 Words

Dolly, Dolly, and More Dolly

It all started with a sheep named Dolly. In the mid-1990s, scientists proved convincingly that after decades of trying, we could, indeed, clone mammals — and even possibly, human beings. Unsurprisingly, this discovery was one of the most controversial of the 20th Century, and the issue of cloning continues to be just as contentious today.


Learn about cloning, starting with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s excellent Cloning Fact Sheet.

Cloning. National Human Genome Research Institute. Retrieved from http://www.genome.gov/25020028

Then respond to these big issues throughout the week, both in your own postings and in responses to your classmates’ postings.

  • What are the risks and benefits of cloning?
  • What are some potential uses for cloning?
  • Could you envision using cloning technology in your own life? If so, how?
  • What are some of the ethical problems with cloning?
  • How do you feel about cloning animals? What about humans?
  • Should cloning be regulated? Why or why not? If so, by whom?
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