1 Read “Swales as an Scholarly Source”
2 Read “The Concept of Discourse Community: Some Recent Personal History” (https://compositionforum.com/issue/37/swales-retro…)
3 Post Attached Assignment
4 Grid Swales using MLA
Attached Assignment is 4 questions
After reading “The Concept of Discourse Community: Some Recent Personal History, (Links to an external site.)” answer the following and Grid Swales (14.4):
- In one paragraph, explain Swales’ definition of a Discourse Community (include one direct quote and format all source material).
- How many of Swales’ eight criteria does your potential DC fulfill?
- Explain the example of the Herbarium, ELI, and the Computer Center, and discuss how it can help you determine what is a DC, what isn’t a DC, and what is somewhere in the middle.
- How is the scholarly reading and its definition of a DC different from the public/popular sources you explored? How are they the same—what elements overlap across explanations and conversations?
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