1 Read “Swales as an Scholarly Source”

2 Read “The Concept of Discourse Community: Some Recent Personal History” (https://compositionforum.com/issue/37/swales-retro…)

3 Post Attached Assignment

4 Grid Swales using MLA

Attached Assignment is 4 questions

After reading “The Concept of Discourse Community: Some Recent Personal History, (Links to an external site.)” answer the following and Grid Swales (14.4):

  1. In one paragraph, explain Swales’ definition of a Discourse Community (include one direct quote and format all source material).
  2. How many of Swales’ eight criteria does your potential DC fulfill?
  3. Explain the example of the Herbarium, ELI, and the Computer Center, and discuss how it can help you determine what is a DC, what isn’t a DC, and what is somewhere in the middle.
  4. How is the scholarly reading and its definition of a DC different from the public/popular sources you explored? How are they the same—what elements overlap across explanations and conversations?
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