Discussion Question 1 Directions: Follow the instructions below and when answering the questions you must integrate terms, examples, and or definitions from the book Chapters 1 to 3.  These items must be in bold print and illustrate the chapter number and page number from the powerpoint slide or textbook (preferably).  The minimum word count for the first post is 150 words. Whats the difference in operations between the Kellogg’s Company, Sony, and American Express, where each of which is “world class” according to Chapter 1. Explain their differences in terms of Operations and Supply Chain management: Discussion Question 2 Directions: Follow the instructions below and when answering the questions you must integrate terms, examples, and or definitions from the book Chapters 4 to 6.  These items must be in bold print and illustrate the chapter number and page number from the powerpoint slide or textbook (preferably).  The minimum word count for the first post is 350 words. Describe the Service-Process Matrix discussed in Chapter 4. What are its fundamentals, describe its services, and why would a company use this Matrix? Discussion Question 3 The minimum word count for the first post is  200 words. What is the difference between Linear programming and Simulation modeling According to Chapter 9?  What type of companies would benefit using each type and why? Discussion Question 4 The minimum word count for the first post is 200 words. What is Globalization and why is it so important? Also, what are the approaches to Globalization and what are the Benefits?

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