Examine the statement of cash flows for the companies you selected in Week 1 for the most recent year.
Summarize your course project to this point. What have you learned about your companies?
What are the two largest investing activities and financing activities for each firm?
Compare and contrast the investing and financing activities of the two companies.
Evaluate the investing and financing strategies of the two firms? Provide a rationale for your opinion as to the effectiveness of each of the strategies.
Submission Details:
Submit a 3-4 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
Name your file: SU_FIN4060_W3_CP_LastName_FirstInitial.doc
Submit your assignment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Week 4!!!!!!
Course Project
Using the financial information gathered in Week 1, address the following questions:
Identify two items or issues that cannot be derived from the financial statements of the two companies that you selected for your research.
Explain why these items or issues would be of concern to investors and other stakeholders. In your rationale, address the specific interests of the different users of financial statements.
Compare and contrast the two companies in terms of how well or how poorly they are performing in the areas of profit, debt, and asset turnover. Use appropriate ratios in your analysis. Indicate strategies for possible improvement in each area.
Submission Details:
Submit a 2-3 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
Name your file: SU_FIN4060_W4_CP_LastName_FirstInitial.doc
Submit your assignment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
This course has major project assignments due in Week 3 and Week 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and work on those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.
Select one of the following scenarios for your Week 3 and Week 5 final project marketing plan. Whichever scenario you choose, you will use the same one for both the week 3 and week 5 work.
Scenario 1: You are the marketing manager for the firm of your choice responsible for developing the tactical and strategic marketing plan. You are also responsible for the successful implementation and evaluation of the plan and have full P&L responsibility for your product/service line.
Scenario 2: You are the owner of a small to mid-sized business. You are currently developing your marketing plan for the upcoming year. The marketing plan will include both the tactical and strategic plan elements. You will also discuss the implementation and evaluation of the strategic marketing plan.
In this paper you will answer the following:
Summarize your selected scenario and details about the firm and/or product line.
Assess which of Michael Porter’s basic strategies you will use to market this product and why.
As you know from your reading, consumers have different product needs and use products differently. Segmentation seeks to group different demands and needs into clusters with similar demand patterns. Using the dimensions of market segmentation, determine and defend which markets you will target with your marketing plan. Outline your target market in detail.
Justify the stages in the consumer decision making process for your selected product or service. Be sure to discuss how consumers evaluate alternatives and what mediums they use in the information search stage.
Conduct research to determine where improvements should be made to your product or service line. Discuss these improvements and the estimated cost in developing and launching these enhancements. This could be a product line extension, a service improvement, new packaging, Web site enhancements, etc. The purpose of this element of the marketing plan is continuous improvement. You should justify the need of these enhancements based on your research, such as a review of the competition, feedback from customers, or a review of the marketing environment.
Submission Details:
Submit your answers in a 6- to 9-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
Name your document SU_MKT3010_W3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Week 4 Marketing
Pricing Strategies
Pricing Strategies Assume you are the marketing manager for a local cable company. You have some direct competitors including AT&T U-verse and the Dish Network. Using the six steps outlined in your textbook for setting a pricing policy, prepare a report for your Vice President on your suggested pricing strategy for your service.
Be sure to include the following in your report:
Determine your price objective with your justification.
Determine the demand of your service and how this influences your pricing strategy.
Estimate your cost elements and analyze how this will influence the price of your service.
Propose a competitive price analysis.
Select your pricing method and determine your final price along with your justification.
Be sure to properly cite your sources using APA; include your references and in-text citations. Comment on the postings of your classmates. Do you agree with their position? Why or why not?
Submission Details:
Submit your answers in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
Name your document SU_MKT3010_W4_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned
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