Book review assignment guide

APA Style 4-5 pages double spaced including references

Writing Good Book Reviews

A book review does not only tell you what a book is about, but also whether it achieves what it is trying to do. Therefore, a book review is more than a summary of the content (even though this is an important component), but a critical analysis of the book and your reactions to it.

While you are reading the book, take notes about the following issues:

When was this book written?What was happening in psychology/education at that time?

What are the author’s central ideas?

What kind of evidence does the author provide to make his or her points? How convincing is this evidence?

A book review usually has the following components:

1) Introduction (about one page): Bibliographic information (author, title, date of publication, publisher, number of pages, type of book) – Brief overview of the theme, purpose and your evaluation

2) Summary of the content (about three pages): Brief summary of the key points of each chapter or group of chapters – Paraphrase the information, but use a brief quote when appropriate. Be sure to emphasize key ideas of theory.

3) Evaluation and conclusion (about one page): Give your opinion about the book. How does the theory relate to contemporary classroom practices? Does the author support his arguments well? What are the book’s greatest strengths and weaknesses? Who would you recommend the book to?

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