Adequate Standard of Living The argument that an “adequate standard of living” is a constitutional right, endowed by the Creator in the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; has been debated since humans first assisted other humans. The historical position on the interpretation of this has shifted numerous times.  Present your position on the level of assistance appropriate in providing services to move toward self reliance.  Include in your position; how to fund, and deliver, and the ultimate goal of the assistance. Provide a specific example taken from real life, in your discussion post.  For example, use examples that might fall under the Community Mental Health Act or the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.  Respond to two of your classmates’ posts. Domestic Violence Statistics Review the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence webpage on Domestic Violence Statistics: Prevalence of Domestic Violence (Links to an external site.) which gives statistics among various categories of race, age, gender, ethnic background, etc.  After reviewing this article, post a statement of how the role of the human service professional can be effective in this situation.  What was your personal reaction to the vast array of statistics for this crisis? Supportive Services In Chapter 10, the author discussed three major types of supportive services.  Give two examples of situations you might encounter as a human service professional that would fall under these categories.  What services would you recommend and what benefit would you expect they would provide? Required Reading Read from the text, Human Services: Contemporary Issues and Trends : Chapter 1: Basic Concepts and Definitions of Human Services Chapter 2: Historical Roots of Human Services Chapter 4: Empowerment: Theory and Practice Chapter 5: Human Services: Necessary Skills and Values Chapter 6: Techniques and Skills in Interviewing The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). (n.d.). Domestic violence statistics: Prevalence of domestic violence (Links to an external site.) .  Retrieved from Lee, R. M. (2018). Interviewing, social work, and Chicago sociology in the 1920s . Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice , 17 (5), 639–658. Required Reading Read from the text, Human Services:  Contemporary Issues and Trends : Chapter 7: Helping Services for Groups Chapter 8: National Community Support Skill Standards Project Chapter 10: The Child Welfare Delivery System in the United States Chapter 11: Child Maltreatment and Abuse Chapter 12: Youth and Human Services The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV).  (n.d.). Domestic violence statistics: Prevalence of domestic violence (Links to an external site.) .  Retrieved from Required Multimedia Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  (2017). When closeness goes wrong (Links to an external site.) [Podcast].  Retrieved from

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