In this journal assignment, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your work with Excel thus far and to plan for your second final project milestone (due in module four).
First, review the critical elements listed in Section II of the final project and reflect on your work in SIMnet.
Then, in your journal, reflect on your experience in the module assignments to address the following:
- What type of chart is appropriate to visually represent the numerical data?
- Describe how you will adapt the formatting, labeling, formulas, and organization of your Excel document to fit the purpose of the document and its audience.
- What type of number format would be appropriate for representing the information required? For example, how many decimal spaces will you include? Will you use a number format or a currency format?
Milestone Two, a draft of the Excel spreadsheet you will submit as part of the final project, is due in Module Four. In your journal, include any questions or concerns you may have in regard to Milestone Two.
To complete this assignment, review the Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.
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