1. Case briefing 1-2 pages

Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985)

State v. Holmes, 129 Ohio Misc. 2d 38 (2004)

Review the two cases found in Chapter 5 of your textbook.

Be sure to follow the instructions for this assignment.

1. Outline the facts of the cases;

2. Give a brief overview of the Court decisions;

3. Compare and contrast these cases.

4. Do you agree or disagree with the decisions of the Courts?

Remember to review the Lesson 15 section under Unit 8 for the directions to complete this assignment.

2. Reflective Writing: Rankism and Bullying 1-2 page

Once you’ve studied Lesson 12.1 and read the Robert Fuller article on Rankism, take a look at the following article on bullying in the workplace. Read it carefully.


Then focus your reflective writing on–

  • What elements from these 3 sources made the biggest impression on you. Why do you think that is?
  • Why do you think bullying seems to be so prevalent in the workplace?
  • Finally, do the confirming and disconfirming climates we create in our face-to-face conversations transfer to the communication we experience online? Explain your perspective.

3. Reflective Writing Assignment 1-2 Page

As we wrap up our class together, please reflect on the following quote….

We’ve explored many topics and learned about the issues which confront us in the area of Interpersonal Communication. Why might we need to focus attention on this final quote?

Then contemplate the following–

  • What have you discovered through the reading, the videos, your reflective writing and your conversations/discussions with your classmates? What stood out for you? What do you know now that you didn’t know before starting the class? What are you still questioning or wondering about? Why is that do you think?
  • What would you consider to be your current Interpersonal Communication strengths and what challenges do you believe still lie ahead for you? Why?

Finally, take time to develop your reflection. This writing must be original (your own work) and new (not copied from any of your previous reflections or discussions). Blend personal perspectives and life experiences. You may incorporate a few brief, meaningful passages from text materials, but this reflection needs to be your own.

Discussion Questions

1. Response: Managing Conflict

As you view the video clip, Anger Management–

Click on “cc” at the bottom right of the video for assistance with closed captioning.

  • Pay attention to what seems to be the main character’s preferred style of handling conflict (remember you’ll find conflict styles detailed in Lesson 13.1). Then comment on any other conflict styles (or approaches) he uses to deal with the circumstances on the plane. What would you say is the main character’s underlying motive for changing his approach to the conflicts in the scene?
  • Then, if you could hit a “replay” button in an attempt to “fix” the circumstances on the plane, what would you encourage the main character to do and say that would possibly get him to a “win-win” situation?

2. Improving Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC)

While formal intercultural experiences like studying abroad or volunteering for the Special Olympics or a shelter for LGBTQ youth can provide opportunities for deep learning, informal intercultural involvement also plays a significant role in our ability and desire to build Intercultural Communication Competency (ICC). Taking the time to reflect on “critical incidents” or what we call the “a-ha! moments” in our lives, bring those formal and informal experiences together and provide a tool for meta-competence. Furio Bednarz, “Building Up Intercultural Competences: Challenges and Learning Processes,” in Building Competencies: A Handbook for Professionals in Education, Social Work, and Health Care, eds. Maria Giovanna Onorati and Furio Bednarz (Leuven, Belgium: Acco, 2010), 47–51.

After carefully studying this unit’s lessons on Intercultural Communication, watch the following video and describe–

  • What this speaker is attempting to say to you
  • How she has helped or hindered your understanding of intercultural competence
  • How you would respond to the belief that– We cannot truly understand and appreciate another person’s culture until we recognize, understand, and appreciate our own
  • What else are you thinking about? What are you feeling? What are you believing?

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