September 28, 2017
Here are the specifications for this website:
Framework of the website
- 2 pages with navigation back and forth
- CSS page for both pages
- Heading 1 with your name on the heading
- In the heading put a picture
- Use opacity in the heading so that your name is the heading with the picture in the background.
- The heading should 50 px on the top and the bottom
- Border with blue solid line
- Footer with copyright and you name
- For Heading 2 do the following
- Border with rounded edges
- Gray background color
- Red text
- Center align
- Margin auto left and right
- Padding 25px on top and bottom
CSS Page Requirements
All of these requirements are Heading 1
Page 1
Heading 2 (first occurrence) use the CSS settings
Heading 2 (second occurrence) everything CSS but make the background yellow.
Page 2
Use CSS page
Heading 2
Insert a picture
Put some blank spaces beneath the picture
Put an unordered list of your favorite hobbies and make the bullets bold.
Please upload all pictures, 2 html files and 1 css file.
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