In this assignment, you will choose a scenario with data – from one of 5 options provided at the end of these directions under Project Topics – and you will construct a paper that pulls together the statistics you have learned in order to answer a question. You will: 1. Introduce the main question, and explain the data that you will use to address it 2. Organize your data by providing appropriate charts, graphs and descriptive statistics 3. Analyze your data by conducting a hypothesis test 4. State your conclusions and recommendations See the section Outline Of Material To Present below for a more detailed explanation of what you will submit for each of these four sections.
In this assignment, you will choose a scenario with data – from one of 5 options provided at the end of these directions under Project Topics – and you will construct a paper that pulls together the statistics you have learned in order to answer a question. You will: 1. Introduce the main question, and explain the data that you will use to address it 2. Organize your data by providing appropriate charts, graphs and descriptive statistics 3. Analyze your data by conducting a hypothesis test 4. State your conclusions and recommendations See the section Outline Of Material To Present below for a more detailed explanation of what you will submit for each of these four sections. The topics that you may choose from are • Business – Analysis of Home Sales • Health Sciences – The Effect of Caffeine on Heart Rate • Psychology – The Effect of Colored Paper on Reading Speed • Sociology – Level of Education and its Effect on Homelessness in Veterans • Criminal Justice – Analysis of Poverty and Crime At the end of these directions, under Project Topics, are the full descriptions for each of these 5 topic options, including the data you must use in your analysis. Please scroll down and read through each of these 5 options in their entirety before making your selection. You must select one of these 5 topics. You may not select your own topic
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