Getting Started

The purpose of the Project assignment in each STAT-535 workshop is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply the statistical tools you have learned in this course.


  • Assigned Statistics for Managers: Using Microsoft Excel reading
  • MyStatLab assignments
  • File: Patients dataset (Excel)

Background Information

In each workshop, you will be asked to demonstrate some of the knowledge you have gained by applying a few of the statistical tools that you have learned.


  1. Using the Patients dataset (Excel), create a scatter plot (similar to Figure 2.14) with patient’s age on the x-axis and total charges on the y-axis. Make sure that you fully label this chart (title for the chart, x-axis, and y-axis). (5 points)
  2. Follow the directions in EG2.5 (Excel Guide) at the end of Chapter 2 and create a linear trend line. What do you conclude about the relationship between a patient’s age and total charges? (5 points)
  3. Create and interpret a descriptive summary of the following statistics (males versus females) for patient age: mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range, and skewness. (10 points)
  4. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Assignment submission page by the end of the workshop. Showing your work is required, not just providing answers without showing how you arrived at them.

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