The legalization of marijuana is definitely a controversial topic specifically for those in human service professions. Policies for the legalization of marijuana were meant to regulate use much like laws that were established to regulate tobacco and alcohol use and some believe that could benefit in doing so like, freeing up funds that could be put toward programs to prevent abuse and less crowding in corrections facilities (Karger, & Stoesz, 2018). There are conflicting opinions for legalizing marijuana because it can be abused in situations where addictions are present and if it involves children.

Some of the negative implications of legalizing marijuana are the risk it poses to children in homes where parental drug use is evident and the risk of negative behaviors associated with mood-altering substances (Stott, & Gustavsson, 2016).

Human service professionals have to assess each case individually and determine what social issues exist for the client they are managing (Herzberg, 2015) if there is evidence of drug use that is inhibiting an individual from recovering from social inadequacies laws protecting them from being convicted from marijuana use could impair their recovery. When it comes to drug testing for individuals with substance abuse issues it would hypocritical to illuminate marijuana use from the list of restrictions. Furthermore, the use of marijuana in households where children are present can present risks for their well-being.

Pros for legalizing marijuana include freeing up funds for other programs like preventing physical abuse and encouraging education. When it comes to social issues, marijuana is not at the forefront of issues that impact our communities, there are much more pressing issues that have a far greater impact.

While for some, the use of marijuana may not be unlike tobacco or alcohol use, marijuana is still considered a controversial topic. Women who use marijuana while pregnant are at risk of having babies with low birth weight and impaired cognitive development (Hennessy, 2018). Human service workers have an obligation to positively impact society and resolve social issues and with that said any substance that impacts that will remain a controversy.


Herzberg, J. T. (2015). Foundations in human services practice: A generalist perspective on individual, agency, and community. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. ISBN: 9780205858255; eISBN: 9780205982233

Karger, H. J. & Stoesz , D. (2018). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (8th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. ISBN: 9780134628127; eISBN: 9780134543468

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