Number 1
****My Mentor’s Organization is BayCare Behavioral Health.****
Researching Mentor’s Organization
It is important before working or volunteering at any organization to have done some research before applying for positions. Knowing more about an organization before submitting an application ensures the organizations values align with your own. It can be heartbreaking to find out after a few months or years that the work you have been doing is not in harmony with how you view or value certain things in your life. Walking into an organization knowing about its history – the when, where, what, who and why – can create a better comprehension of the work being done and how you can contribute to the overall success.
For this assignment, you will need to know more about the history of the organization in which your mentor works. After researching the mentor’s organization, submit a 200-250 word paper.
Please make sure to include in the paper when the organization opened, why did it open, what does it do, how does it help the community, etc.? You will also need to know the mission, vision and values of the organization. Please make sure to paraphrase the mission, vision and values not just copying from the organization’s about information. These are important items to know before working with your mentor to understand what defines and drives the organization each day to achieve its end goal.
Please ensure that you correctly cite within the assignment references that have been utilized. Please remember to include a title page
Number 2.
Professional Behavior and Career Goals
Every job position has certain expectation and requirements in order to achieve success in the organization.
For this assignment, submit a paper of 250-350 words which details the professional behavior of your job. What would you tell a new employee on the job that you wish you were told when you started? What are your career goals moving forward from this point in your career/life?
Please ensure that you correctly cite within the assignment references that have been utilized. Please remember to include a title page, reference page
****My job is in Behavioral Health and I work as an intake specialist. Career goal is to get a Masters degree in Health Service Administration or Human Services and to become a Behavioral Health Administrator.****
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