Text Journal – 1 page, 1 paragraph (pdf file provided) ** MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT READINGS WHICH I PROVIDE LINKS**

The text journal is your analytical response to the content from the chapters in the Adams textbook. Each of these should draw on concepts from the readings. Please be sure to integrate explicit use of concepts from the readings, concise critical reflection and analyses, and some application to yourself and key areas of your environment.

Very brief and short summary **Include title of the article/reading within the body text**

Can use current events!!! How this relates to something you heard or has happened

Involve thoughts and end with a question.

Reading Guidelines- ENGAGE IN PAPER!!!

• What is my response to the main point? (Be specific—is there a passage, sentence, overall?) Why?

• What questions do you have about points made in this reading?

• What new theories or knowledge have you gained from the reading?

• What is one question you’d like to have the class discuss based on this reading?

Think of an article or chapter as a story that is being told to you or conversation that you are having, and make mental connections in your reading. Is what you’re reading new? Had you ever thought about what the author is saying before? Is the reading connected with other things you have read? Do certain ideas in the reading excite or inspire you, make you angry or sad or confused, confirm what you believe or experience? Do you agree or disagree with everything or only certain things the author is saying? Do you believe what the author is saying is true?—Ask yourself these types of questions in your mind as you read.

– Easy vocabulary



Textbook: Section 8 on Ableism (pp. 467-473; 504-506 & 512-513) WILL PROVIDE SCREENSHOTS OF PAGES ATTACHED

Listen: Black Disability, Disabled Women of Color, Empowerment, Advocacy –


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