During this course, you will develop a campaign proposal to market a new product or service. In Assignment 1, you will write a brief proposal for the campaign. In Assignment 2, you will develop a slide deck to present the campaign proposal.
This week’s discussion helps you prepare by selecting your company, indicating your new product or service idea, and exploring some ideas for the brand story. Follow the directions below to get started:
- Read the Assignment 1 Instructions
- Choose the company or organization for your marketing campaign
- You may select the company you currently work for (recommended), a company you used to work for, a non-profit organization, or a Fortune 500 company
- Indicate your idea for a new product or service that will be the focus of your marketing campaign
- Briefly describe your product or service in basic terms:
- What is the core problem that the product or service solves?
- What are 2 or 3 key features of the product or service?
- How does the new product or service align with the story and brand of the overall company?
- What challenges or risks could the introduction of this new item potentially create for the brand?
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