Generally, there are eight sections in a case study. Use this as a guideline to write your case study. Synopsis/Executive Summary •  Outline the purpose of the case study. •  Describe the field of research — this is usually an overview of the company. •  Outline the issues and findings of the case study without the specific details. •  Identify the theory that will be used to analyse the case study. •  The reader should be able to get a clear picture of the essential contents of the study. •  Note any assumptions made. You may not have all the information you would like, so some assumptions may be necessary e.g. “It has been assumed that.. “Assuming that it takes half an hour to read one document.. Findings •  Identify the problems found in the case. •  Each analysis of a problem should be supported by facts given in the case together with the relevant theory and course concepts. •  It is important to search for any underlying problems; for example, cross-cultural conflict may be only a symptom of the underlying problem of inadequate policies and practices within the company. •  This section is often divided into sub-sections, one for each problem. Discussion •  Summarise the major problem/s. •  Identify alternative solutions to this/these major problem/s (there is likely to be more than one solution per problem). •  Briefly outline each alternative solution and then evaluate it in terms of its advantages and disadvantages. •  There is no need to refer to theory or coursework here. Conclusion Sum up the main points from the findings and discussion. Recommendations •  Choose which of the alternative solutions should be adopted. •  Briefly justify your choice and explain how it will solve the major problem/s. •  This should be written in a forceful style as this section is intended to be persuasive. • Inte gr ation of theo ry and coursework is a ppropriate here. Implementation •  Explain what should be done, by whom and by when. •  If appropriate, include a rough estimate of costs (both financial and time). References Make sure all references are cited correctly. Appendices (if any) Attach any original data that relates to the study, which would have interrupted the flow of the discussion in the main body. need total no more than 5 pages excluding cover page, abstract and reference total pages need a total 8 pages

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