Prior to posting, please review the week 6 lesson in the content area. Remember all posts must consist of two paragraphs that are 4-5 sentences each. Fa
Prior to posting, please review the Lecture 5 module in the content area. Remember all posts must consist of two paragraphs that are 4-5 sentences each. Failure to follow instructions will result in a 0. In addition, when posting, click on weekly discussion topic and click “create thread”. Finally, in order to receive full credit, you must respond to at least one other student post. Responses should be thoughtful and insightful. Comments like “I agree” will not count. Please chose one of the discussion points below.
1) As we learned in the Lesson 5 Module, nationalism can be viewed in both a positive and negative light. In your opinion do you believe nationalism is a positive force or a negative force. Provide specific examples to backup your arguments and make sure to source your arguments.
2) As we learned in the Lesson 5 Module, nation-states are a fairly new concept and have changed dramatically in the 19th and 20th centuries. In your opinion, what changes do you believe we are going to see in the 21st century? Is the concept of nation-state stronger than ever, or will some new form of governance emerge? If so, what?
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